Corporate Governance
Manual on Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Principles
Rights of Stakeholders Equitable Treatment of Shareholders The Company's Roles to Stakeholders Disclosure of Information and Transparency Responsibilities of the Board of Directors Enforcement DisciplineCode of Business Ethics and Conduct Annual Corporate Governance Report (ACGR)Updates and Changes as of present date ACGR for 2012 Consolidated Changes in the ACGR for 2013 Consolidated Changes in the ACGR for 2014Board Committees Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability Report
2014-12-13 20:16:12.0
CADPI cares for its planters by providing them with mud press as organic fertilizer
Farmers getting ready to load their trucks with sugarcane for delivery to the site
CADPI currently utilizes mud press as a soil conditioner and organic fertilizer for sugar cane fields. This year, the total quantity of mud press withdrawn by the planters & MDDFI is 17,424 tons, with the breakdown as follows:
- Planters - 11,286 tons of mud press
- Mud press delivered by MDDFI to the planters – 2,189 tons.
MDDFI –3,949 tons of mud press withdrawn
The mud press was used also used as a soil conditioner for the CADPI sugar cane field nursery, an area where quality seed pieces and cane points are produced and sold to planters at a lower price.
FEDMUCO, a community-based cooperative presently engaged in the composting of mud press and its conversion into organic fertilizer, pays the company a rental cost of PhP 5.00 per bag of sold organic fertilizer. As of December 2013, they already produced 59,410 bags.
FEDMUCO, a community-based cooperative presently engaged in the composting of mud press and its conversion into organic fertilizer, pays the company a rental cost of PhP 5.00 per bag of sold organic fertilizer. As of December 2013, they already produced 59,410 bags.